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Friday, January 31, 2025

Height of Human Figures?

15 years 8 months ago #4480 by zmon
Replied by zmon on topic Re:Height of Human Figures?
FYI, If you have troble holding sn]mallf figures with the "aligator" type clips Karin posted a picture of, an alternative is a fly tying vise. These vises are designed to hold hooks all the way down to size 26-36 which is very small. When using my vise, i cut the figure from the main spru, but leave a small amount of it to inster into the vise. This way i have the whole figure exposed for painting. These vise's also rotate, so spinning the figure around to paint the other side is simple.

Tony B...
Wasatch Z ClubB)

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15 years 8 months ago #4492 by Beverly56
Replied by Beverly56 on topic Re:Height of Human Figures?
Thanks for the ideas, Loren and Tony :)

The local train club had a swap meet this morning and I bought a contraption that has two adjustable alligator clips with an adjustable magnifier on a study little base for $3. It's in great condition and will work perfectly for holding the sprues at any angle necessary. I'd thought of a fly tying vise, but I remembered how expensive it would be.

Yes, I've read the instructions inside the box a few times. It has great instructions on how to paint the figures, but not much information on dealing with extra plastic :( I'll use your suggestion of using a small file. We actually have a few files to choose from :)

Now that I have the figures, I can finish the micro layout and begin work on the Z PBL Challenge dioramas. Before that, though, I'm going to finish building the Kibri kits I have on hand. I finished the apothecary last night, then began the music school. Chris is at Rona right now buying 1"x4"s for the European style base :)

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15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #4504 by ULie
Replied by ULie on topic Re:Height of Human Figures?
Beverly56 wrote:

I bought a contraption that has two adjustable alligator clips with an adjustable magnifier on a study little base

those are called a "Third hand" over here. I have one of those myself and I also use it for soldering small parts under the magnifier...

GreetingZ, HilZen,


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15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #4507 by mthduggan
Replied by mthduggan on topic Re:Height of Human Figures?

An emory board makes a good file. You want the finest grade that you can find. The nice thing about them is that they are cheap enough that you don't feel bad cutting the boards into the shapes that you need.

I tend to glue my figures to the head of a 10 penny nail with a touch of superglue. The waffle head makes it easy to pop the figure loose when done painting.

I've got a couple of blocks of balsa that I've drilled holes in. I just set the nails into the holes so that the figures can dry. While I'm working, I hold them by the nail.

Another good material for adding detail is Milliput.



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15 years 8 months ago #4529 by alvaro
Replied by alvaro on topic Re:Height of Human Figures?
Hello Beverly
By my side i don't remove the preiser figure from the plastic part of the mold, i start to paint the skin first, head and hands. After the troussers and the shirts. After that the shoes, and when they already dry, then i cut them out and finally i paint the hairs. I have an example in my gallery of some preiser people that i have transformed. The Young hip Hop or rappers gang were some fishermen from preiser that i adapted to americam people.
Have a look:

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