I have created a video of this switcher operating at 13.5 mph. These switchers were speed limited to 15 or 20 mph.
Z-Scale speed table prepared by Garth Hamilton May 23/2014
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
to convert MPH to KPH mph to ft/sec ft/sec to scale in/sec in/sec to sec /ft
math mph x1.609 A X 5280 in./(60min*60sec) C*12in / 220 scale 12/D
MPH KPH FT/SEC z in/sec SEC/FT(30.5 cm)*
60 96.5 88.00 4.80 2.50
45 72.4 66.00 3.60 3.33
30 48.3 44.00 2.40 5.00
25 40.2 36.67 2.00 6.00
20 32.2 29.33 1.60 7.50
15 24.1 22.00 1.20 10.00
10 16.1 14.67 0.80 15.00
5 8.0 7.33 0.40 30.00
*note 1 ft = 30.5 CM
regards Garth